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엘더베리 안토시아닌

가용성 상태:
Latin name:
Sambucus nigra L.
• 5%~40% Anthocyanin (HPLC)
• 5%~40% Anthocyanidins. (UV)
• 5:1, 10:1, 20:1
Part Used:
• The fruits of Sambucus nigra L.
• cGMP, ISO22000, HACCP, FSSC22000, Kosher, Halal

1. Description of Elderberry Anthocyanin Organic Extract

Elderberry extract (Botanical Source: Sambucus nigra L.), belongs to the genus Elderberry of the Lonicera family, is 4 meters high, the shape of the leaves is oval, oval or ovate-lanceolate, and the color of the fruit is red. The shape is oval or nearly round, the flowering period is from April to May in spring, and the fruiting period is from July to September in summer. 

Elderberry Anthocyanin is extracted from the fruit of Sambucus nigra L. The active ingredient is Anthocyanidins, which is purple-red powder. Elderberry extract is widely used in supplements, its elderberry glycosides and mucilaginous substances have the functions of sterilization, anti-inflammation, and antipruritic. The medicinal value of elderberry is relatively high, and it can be used to prevent flu, cold, virus and other diseases. Studies have shown that elderberry extract can be widely used in the field of food health products, and can be used in capsules, tablet health products, beverages, fruit wines or as food additives.

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